Maple has been asked by many clients if we could help them,
in some way, to upgrade their control systems but at a reduced
capital outlay. We have formulated a scheme where the controls
needed to upgrade you are RENTED from us for a fixed initial
term of 5 years, extended by agreement after that for a further
2-5 year term. The requirements for discussions and surveys
and talks about future expansion all still take place, but to
benefit you, we roll the package out to you in an affordable
and flexible arrangement to suit your needs and budget. Whilst
rented, the system is also fully covered by warranty (Chris
– spec what it is)
Back up
The system will be connected over the www (Hosted) and monitored
by us to ensure that no faults are left without being dealt
with, sometimes before you know of them
Telephone Support
We know that when a system fails it can have an instant knock
on effect on you. We can provide remote and extended hour’s
telephone support to minimise this.
We are here to keep you running and can offer monitoring to
proactively find and resolve problems, sometimes before you
are even aware they exist.
As the system is web based, the software is updated over the
internet connection by us when updates are released by the manufacturer,
meaning it will always carry up to
Fully Reactive
As part of the remote support, we can connect to your system
to resolve the fault directly without you having to undertake
any work yourself, sometimes all of this can be done from our
office, meaning no waiting for a visit from engineers, and sometimes
resolved before business opening times. If a visit has to be
made, depending on what level of support you have signed up
to, engineers can be dispatched immediately without the wait
for somebody to sign off on it. What levels of support you want
can be discussed and agreed – again to suit your needs and budgets